Sunday, November 13, 2011


This is my cat Furby. Yes he is cuter than your pets, but he is humble about it. He found me at the Va Beach SPCA. I volunteer there and one day when I went in I was told I had to see this cat. (They know my type, haha) He was turned in for not getting along with the other pets and litter box issues. After even a short time in a shelter environment, you quickly realize that a lot of times the reasons given are just something random they pick because they are too lazy/irresponsible to take care of the pet. Also, when a cat has litter box issues, there are 2 things that come to mind for me, neither one is a behavior issue. First is does the cat have a UTI, if so that can explain it. 2nd, a lot of people don't keep their cat boxes clean enough, you wouldn't want to go in a dirty toilet would you? Apparently a few of the women had a bet on how long it would take for me to "foster" this cat, the one who bet that day won. Now I put foster in quotes because we all knew deep down from the start that this cat was never coming back. After a few months I did the official paperwork and adopted him. As for his issues, he lived for almost a year with 2 other cats, 3 dogs a kid and 3 adults and never had a single problem. In fact, he would even groom the dogs sometimes and they would sniff him and usually he just laid there. No litter box problems either.