Sunday, November 13, 2011


This is my cat Furby. Yes he is cuter than your pets, but he is humble about it. He found me at the Va Beach SPCA. I volunteer there and one day when I went in I was told I had to see this cat. (They know my type, haha) He was turned in for not getting along with the other pets and litter box issues. After even a short time in a shelter environment, you quickly realize that a lot of times the reasons given are just something random they pick because they are too lazy/irresponsible to take care of the pet. Also, when a cat has litter box issues, there are 2 things that come to mind for me, neither one is a behavior issue. First is does the cat have a UTI, if so that can explain it. 2nd, a lot of people don't keep their cat boxes clean enough, you wouldn't want to go in a dirty toilet would you? Apparently a few of the women had a bet on how long it would take for me to "foster" this cat, the one who bet that day won. Now I put foster in quotes because we all knew deep down from the start that this cat was never coming back. After a few months I did the official paperwork and adopted him. As for his issues, he lived for almost a year with 2 other cats, 3 dogs a kid and 3 adults and never had a single problem. In fact, he would even groom the dogs sometimes and they would sniff him and usually he just laid there. No litter box problems either.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I am on my way.... becoming the crazy old cat man. I am perfectly content sitting on the floor with cats climbing all over me. If I had several arms like the Hindu goddesses, Devi or Kali, to name a few, then I could get more accomplished in the cat petting department. Yes, I understand I am not normal, haha, but what fun is normal? So yeah, expect lots of pics of cats. Some will be mine, some will be available for adoption or recently adopted from the VBSPCA, others may just be pictures I found online. I may even sneak a dog in now and then. Here is Al, I adopted him from the VBSPCA Pet Smart site in 07, he was 7 at the time. This year he developed cancer and he died. I still miss him, he always went to bed by my side and we both fell asleep as I rubbed his belly.